Monthly Archives: January 2014

College Profile: Warner Pacific College


Name: Warner Pacific College

School Type: Private University

Location: Portland, OR, in the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood

Warner Pacific College is located in the Mt. Tabor neighborhood in SE Portland, a diverse and artistic community that is only 10 minutes away from our school, Columbia School of English. They are a private, faith-based university with a long history in the Portland area. Their tight-knit school offers a beautiful campus with a central location and focus on community-building and development. They offer a wide range of majors and degrees, as well as graduate programs and adult programs. They have a strong education department and music school, as well as an active campus activities board and outreach program. They have both intramural and Warner Pacific Athletics, including basketball, track, soccer and golf.


English Idioms: My Bad


My Bad: It is my fault, my mistake

It was my bad that the car door was left unlocked. 

From “My bad” is American in origin and was popularized by basketball players in the 1970s and 1980s. It circulated in urban street language until it gained widespread popularity. It picked up speed in the mid to late-1990s in the USA via the 1995 movie “Clueless”. This starred Alicia Silverstone and contains what seems to have been the first use of the phrase in the mainstream media. The 1994 ‘Green revision pages’ for the movie script has a scene with Alicia Silverstone’s character learning to drive:

“Cher swerves – to avoid killing a person on a bicycle. Cher: Whoops, my bad.”